May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics
The Social Security Administration has released May 2016 SSD benefits statistics. See how May's statistics may impact your claim.

May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics Report

The Social Security Administration publishes a monthly statistical snapshot of the disability benefits program. This monthly report gives future and current beneficiaries a better idea of how their own benefits stack up against the national average. See how claims data and payment amounts changed during the last month in our May 2016 SSD benefits statistics review below.

Overview of May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics

Total Number of Social Security Disability Benefit Beneficiaries: 10,780,000

Disabled Workers: 8,884,000
Spouses of Disabled Workers: 139,000
Children of Disabled Workers: 1,757,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,022.75

Disabled Workers: $1,166.18
Spouses of Disabled Workers: $320.47
Children of Disabled Workers: $353.24

May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics Report: Looking Deeper at the Beneficiaries Stats

The statistics from April to May reveal a small dip of 6,000 beneficiaries. This trend is normal for the disability benefits program In fact, each month we tend to see fluctuations like this within the program. Having a good understanding of the program before you apply can give you a better understanding of what to expect. As you can see in the chart below over the course of the last year the number of beneficiaries within the program has remained steady, which is what future beneficiaries should expect to see when they apply.

May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics - Monthly Beneficiaries

May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics Report: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

We saw another increase in the average monthly benefit about from April to May of $.20. While this increase may not sound significant, monetary statistics are usually the area that future beneficiaries tend to care about the most and any increase to the average can be seen as a positive thing. Here is a look at where these stats fell for May. The monetary stats account for payments distributed each month to disabled workers, spouses of disabled workers, and children of disabled workers.

May 2016 SSD Benefits Statistics - Monthly Monetary Averages

When applying for disability benefits you have every right to seek legal assistance from a Social Security attorney. Both advocates and attorneys know the ins and outs of the program and can help you collect proper documentation, check the status of your application, and if necessary appeal an unfavorable decision.

Ready to see if you may qualify? Click the button below to start your free benefits evaluation now.

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Megan Kelly is a former blogger and copywriter for LeadingResponse.