Social Security Disability Benefits for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer occurs due to uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells inside your lungs. These cancerous cells don’t function normally, nor will they ever develop into healthy living tissue. Unfortunately, many people with lung cancer may not experience any symptoms until after it progresses. The most common lung cancer symptoms include coughing, pain, shortness of breath, recurrent lung problems, and coughing up blood. Doctors usually treat it with radiation therapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and chemotherapy. Due to the disease’s potential severity, the Social Security Administration (SSA) lists lung cancer in its Blue Book of disabling conditions. Learn what to expect when the SSA evaluates your lung cancer claim for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits below.

Lung Cancer and Social Security Disability Benefits

When lung cancer patients apply for disability benefits, the SSA uses criteria outlined in their Blue Book to determine eligibility. The SSA lists lung cancer under section 13.14 Lungs, which says applicants must have one of the following eligible diagnoses:

A. Non-small-cell carcinoma with non-operable, unresectable, recurrent, or metastatic disease to or beyond the hilar node.

B. Small-cell (oat cell) carcinoma.

C. Carcinoma of the superior sulcus (including pancoast tumors) with multimodal antineoplastic therapy. This is considered under a disability until at least 18 months from the date of diagnosis. Therefore, evaluate any residual impairment(s) under the criteria for the affected body system.

It’s important to note that even if you do not meet the criteria outlined above, you still may get Social Security disability benefits with proper medical documentation and legal assistance.

An experienced Social Security disability advocate or attorney gives your best shot at winning disability benefits. They have the trained knowledge to gather proper medical documentation for your specific condition, ensure your application is error-free, and potentially maximize your monthly payments. They’ll help you navigate through notoriously difficult Social Security laws. In addition, having a lawyer file your claim makes you 3x more likely to get disability.

People who qualify for legal assistance through this website typically get $12,000+ in lump-sum backpay as well as monthly benefits. Those who apply on their own without help usually get denied benefits, or wait two years to receive their first payment.

Ready to see if you may qualify? Click the button below to start your free online benefits evaluation now!

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Megan Kelly is a former blogger and copywriter for LeadingResponse.