What Can a Workers’ Compensation Doctor Do for Me?

A workers’ compensation doctor is there to give you proper medical support in evaluating your injury or illness. With a doctor, your claim isn’t staked on your word alone, and your doctor may set up your claim for a favorable decision. That’s why you need to have the right doctor in place to handle your workers’ compensation case. But for many employees, legitimate concerns arise when they’re asked to seek treatment from a workers’ compensation doctor who’s provided by their employer.

What to Expect From a Workers’ Compensation Doctor

When you first meet with your workers’ compensation doctor, you may expect them to try and discredit you. But this is not always the case. Every workers’ compensation doctor is trained to evaluate work-related injuries and illnesses. Then, he or she will report any relevant findings. Many times the doctor is simply trying to gather the facts in order to best evaluate the status of your condition.

During the initial meeting, the workers’ compensation doctor will likely ask you a series of questions related to your injury. Understandably this process can be frustrating for many people. But it’s crucial to stay level-headed and focused. If during the process you feel like your doctor does not have your best interest at heart, you may be able to request a new one.

What About a Workers’ Compensation Doctor Provided by Your Employer’s Insurer?

Your own state’s laws typically dictate how you apply and qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. That means each state is responsible for outlining who an injured employee can and can’t seek treatment from after a workplace injury. It’s important to check out your states regulations and determine how you should approach your medical evaluation.

In many states, the initial treatment of your injury or illness can be handled by any physician. If this were to occur your employer may then refer you to one of their doctors for a follow-up. When receiving any sort of evaluation about your injury or illness ask for a copy of any and all paperwork. Keeping track of this information can be beneficial to the integrity of your workers’ compensation claim.

It’s easy to feel intimidated when you see a doctor you don’t know. This is especially true if you feel no one has your best interest at heart. This is one reason why many people turn to a workers’ compensation attorney. An attorney has your back and ensures your claim receives fair treatment throughout the entire claims process. They can also sort through your medical records, reach out to the insurance company on your behalf, and appeal an unfavorable decision.

Ready to see if you may qualify? Click the button below to start your free online benefits evaluation now.

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Megan Kelly is a former blogger and copywriter for LeadingResponse.